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Release v0.50.0#

We are excited to announce the release of Perses v0.50.0! This release brings significant improvements to the migration process from Grafana to Perses, including a major fix for a memory leak issue. Additionally, it introduces a new Status History Panel and various enhancements to the Table Panel, UI, and CLI. Read on to learn more about the new features and improvements in this release.

See the complete release note for more details: v0.50.0


One of the greatest contents of this release is the migration that has been drastically improved.

Since the beginning of the project, we have been willing to provide an easy way to migrate dashboards from Grafana to Perses. As a reminder, you can migrate a Grafana dashboard using the HTTP endpoint /api/migrate or the UI or the CLI that consumes this endpoint.

The big issue with this feature was the memory leak that was hidden and not that easy to trigger. (See issue #2039)

This was a big blocker for the migration and one of the main reasons why Amadeus was not able to migrate to Perses. Amadeus has a huge number of dashboards, and the memory leak was too important to be ignored. To give you an idea, the memory leak was about 40GB after migrating 3000 dashboards. (~ 3MB per dashboard)

Memory leak

As you may know, we are using Cuelang for the Perses plugin validation, and at first, we implemented a complete way to migrate using Cuelang only. The idea behind was to append every migration script (one for each panel, variable, queries) to the main one. Then the Grafana JSON was converted to a Cuelang value, and we were applying the migration script to this value.

With the v0.50.0, we are changing deeply and only internally the way it's working. It doesn't change anything for the user, but it's a huge improvement for the maintainability and the performance of the migration.

We have entirely rewritten the migration process. It is now using a hybrid system partially written in Golang and the rest in Cuelang when the plugins are involved. Thanks to this new system, the Cuelang files written to migrate the panels, the variables, and the queries can be validated and tested before the migration is applied.

Thanks to this change, we are happy to announce the memory leak has been fixed and the migration is now working perfectly. We performed the same mass migration, and it succeeded without causing OOMKill, as it requires much less memory than before. The graph below shows we didn't exceed 3GB of memory during the migration.

no more Memory leak

Finally, we’ve also addressed numerous updates to the migration process itself, incorporating fixes and enhancements to better cover use cases raised by the community - thank you for your contributions!

Status History panel#

Thanks to Alexander Belyakin from the community, Perses is supporting a new Panel: the Status History Panel.

The Status History panel provides a visual representation of the status of various metrics over time. It allows users to track changes in the status of different metrics, making it easier to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies. This panel is particularly useful for monitoring the health and performance of systems, as it can display status changes in a clear and concise manner. The panel can be customized to show different statuses, such as up, down, warning, or any other user-defined states, and it supports various visualization options to enhance the readability of the data.

And of course, this panel is fully compatible with the migration process.

Status History panel

General Improvements#


We have finally added the redirection to the initial URL after you are authenticated. This was definitely a missing feature annoying for the users.

This release also introduces various improvements to the Table Panel, such as debounced text fields in the editor, default column sorting, custom column ordering, default column width setting, and cell focus on hover.

Table Panel reordering columns


First, we have fixed the login command not working if you were using the CLI to log in to different Perses servers.

Then, based on the community feedback, we also have improved the DAC (Dashboard as Code) sub-command. We hope the experience with our DAC framework will be better.

We are also introducing new commands for plugin development. That's something that comes along with the new plugin architecture we are working on since last year. These commands cannot be used currently as we are still working on the plugin architecture.

But stay tuned as we are really close to finishing this intense work! V0.51.0 is going to be incredible with a lot of changes!