Static List Variable builder

The Static List Variable builder helps creating static list variables in the format expected by Perses.


package myDaC

import (
	staticListVarBuilder ""

staticListVarBuilder & {} // input parameters expected


#namestringMandatoryThe name of this variable.
#displayDisplayOptionalDisplay object to tune the display name, description and visibility (show/hide).
#allowAllValuebooleanOptionalfalseWhether to append the “All” value to the list.
#allowMultiplebooleanOptionalfalseWhether to allow multi-selection of values.
#customAllValuestringOptionalCustom value that will be used if #allowAllValue is true and if All is selected.
#capturingRegexpstringOptionalRegexp used to catch and filter the results of the query. If empty, then nothing is filtered (equivalent of setting it to (.*)).
#sortSortOptionalSort method to apply when rendering the list of values.
#values[…(string | { value: string, label?: string })]MandatoryThe value of this variable.


variableVariableThe final variable object, to be passed to the dashboard.


package myDaC

import (
	staticListVarBuilder ""

{staticListVarBuilder & {
	#name:     "prometheus"
	#values:   ["one", "two", {value: "three", label: "THREE" }]