Embedding Perses panels

This little documentation aims to provide you the minimum code needed to have a Perses panel into your React application.

Disclaimer: We are working actively on reducing this amount of required dependencies/providers working on some default values or opt-in/opt-out mechanisms.

Getting started (npm example)

# For example you can use the create-react-app command line or reuse the code of your app
npx create-react-app perses-embedded-panel --template typescript

# Install perses dependencies
npm i --save @perses-dev/components \
  @perses-dev/plugin-system @perses-dev/panels-plugin \
  @tanstack/react-query @perses-dev/dashboards \
  @mui/material @perses-dev/prometheus-plugin \
  @emotion/styled @hookform/resolvers

Minimal code

Here replacing your App.tsx

import React from 'react';
import './App.css';

import { ChartsProvider, generateChartsTheme, getTheme, SnackbarProvider } from "@perses-dev/components";
import {
  dynamicImportPluginLoader, PluginModuleResource,
} from "@perses-dev/plugin-system";
import { TimeSeriesChart } from '@perses-dev/panels-plugin';
import { ThemeProvider } from "@mui/material";
import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from "@tanstack/react-query";
import { DatasourceStoreProvider, TemplateVariableProvider } from "@perses-dev/dashboards";
import prometheusResource from '@perses-dev/prometheus-plugin/plugin.json';
import panelsResource from '@perses-dev/panels-plugin/plugin.json';
import { DashboardResource, GlobalDatasource, ProjectDatasource } from '@perses-dev/core';
import { DatasourceApi } from '@perses-dev/dashboards';

const fakeDatasource: GlobalDatasource = {
  kind: 'GlobalDatasource',
  metadata: { name: 'hello' },
  spec: {
    default: true,
    plugin: {
      kind: 'PrometheusDatasource',
      spec: {
        directUrl: "https://prometheus.demo.do.prometheus.io"

class DatasourceApiImpl implements DatasourceApi {
  getDatasource(): Promise<ProjectDatasource | undefined> {
    return Promise.resolve(undefined);

  getGlobalDatasource(): Promise<GlobalDatasource | undefined> {
    return Promise.resolve(fakeDatasource);

  listDatasources(): Promise<ProjectDatasource[]> {
    return Promise.resolve([]);

  listGlobalDatasources(): Promise<GlobalDatasource[]> {
    return Promise.resolve([fakeDatasource]);

  buildProxyUrl(): string {
    return '/prometheus';
export const fakeDatasourceApi = new DatasourceApiImpl();
export const fakeDashboard = { kind: 'Dashboard', metadata: {}, spec: {} } as DashboardResource;

function App() {
  const muiTheme = getTheme('light');
  const chartsTheme = generateChartsTheme(muiTheme, {});
  const pluginLoader = dynamicImportPluginLoader([
      resource: prometheusResource as PluginModuleResource,
      importPlugin: () => import('@perses-dev/prometheus-plugin'),
      resource: panelsResource as PluginModuleResource,
      importPlugin: () => import('@perses-dev/panels-plugin'),

  const queryClient = new QueryClient({
    defaultOptions: {
      queries: {
        refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
        retry: 0,
  return (
    <ThemeProvider theme={muiTheme}>
      <ChartsProvider chartsTheme={chartsTheme}>
        <SnackbarProvider anchorOrigin={{ vertical: 'bottom', horizontal: 'right' }} variant="default" content="">
              Panel: 'TimeSeriesChart',
              TimeSeriesQuery: 'PrometheusTimeSeriesQuery',
            <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
              <TimeRangeProvider refreshInterval="0s" timeRange={{ pastDuration: '30m' }}>
                  <DatasourceStoreProvider dashboardResource={fakeDashboard} datasourceApi={fakeDatasourceApi}>
                          kind: 'PrometheusTimeSeriesQuery',
                          spec: { query: `up{job="prometheus"}` },
                          width: 1200,
                          height: 400,
                          legend: {
                            position: 'bottom',
                            size: 'medium',

export default App;

You should see a perses panel going to your browser

Definitions by provider

Check each Provider’s source code/jsdoc for more details.

  • DataQueriesProvider: Provide the queries’ definition, with the query type, the value. This is to be inside the chart below. For each query, one line will be displayed in the chart.
  • DatasourceStoreProvider: Provide the datasources. In other terms, the place from which the data will be collected.
  • TemplateVariableProvider: Provide the variables that can be used inside the chart. It will allow you to reference any variable into the queries thanks to the ${myVar} syntax. Available variables will be either the builtin variables or the local/external variables that you can pass to the provider.
  • TimeRangeProvider: Provide time range of the query, but also the refresh interval (time between each query automatic replay)
  • QueryClientProvider: Provide a @tanstack/react-query QueryClient, which is a mandatory dependency. (We advise to configure it with refetchOnWindowFocus: false except if you want to replay the queries every time you change window)
  • QueryParamProvider: Provide the ability to take time range, refresh interval, and different variables from the url query params.
  • BrowserRouter: Provide necessary elements for the QueryParamProvider
  • PluginRegistry: Provide the different Perses plugins that will be used in the providers/charts below.
  • SnackbarProvider: Provide the toaster that will occurs in case of error/success.
  • ChartsProvider: Provider for the option of apache/echarts library. Which is used for all the charts display.
  • ThemeProvider: Provider of the Material UI theme which is currently the theme used in Perses.