
Perses is configured via command-line flags and a configuration file

Flags available

  -config string
        Path to the yaml configuration file for the api. Configuration can be overridden when using the environment variable
  -log.level string
        log level. Possible value: panic, fatal, error, warning, info, debug, trace (default "info")
        include the calling method as a field in the log. Can be useful to see immediately where the log comes from
        If true, it won t be print on stdout the port listened to receive the HTTP request
  -web.listen-address string
        The address to listen on for HTTP requests, web interface and telemetry. (default ":8080")
  -web.telemetry-path string
        Path under which to expose metrics. (default "/metrics")


perses --config=./config.yaml --log.method-trace

Configuration File

This service can be configured using a yaml file or the environment variable.

Note: you can use both, environment variable will override the yaml configuration.

  file: # the configuration when you want to use the filesystem as a database. Note that you can configure it using the flags, which gives you the choice to not create a configuration file just for that.
    folder: "/path/to/the/database/storage" # It's the path where the file will be read/ stored
    extension: "yaml" # The extension of the files read / stored. "yaml" or "json" are the only extension accepted. Yaml is the default one

Note: to have the corresponding environment variable you just have to contact all previous key in the yaml and put it in uppercase. Every environment variable for this config are prefixed by PERSES

For example, the environment variable corresponding to the file extension of the file DB would be:



The file is written in YAML format, defined by the scheme described below. Brackets indicate that a parameter is optional.

Generic placeholders are defined as follows:

  • <boolean>: a boolean that can take the values true or false
  • <duration>: a duration matching the regular expression ((([0-9]+)y)?(([0-9]+)w)?(([0-9]+)d)?(([0-9]+)h)?(([0-9]+)m)?(([0-9]+)s)?(([0-9]+)ms)?|0), e.g. 1d, 1h30m, 5m, 10s
  • <filename>: a valid path in the current working directory
  • <path>: a valid URL path
  • <int>: an integer value
  • <secret>: a regular string that is a secret, such as a password
  • <string>: a regular string
  • <kind>: a string that can take the values Dashboard, Datasource, Folder, GlobalDatasource, GlobalRole, GlobalRoleBinding, GlobalVariable, GlobalSecret, Project, Role, RoleBinding, User or Variable (not case-sensitive)
  # It contains any configuration that changes the API behavior like the endpoints exposed or if the permissions are activated.
  [ security: <Security config> ]

  # Database configuration 
  [ database: <Database config> ]

  # The configuration to access the CUE schemas
  [ schemas: <Schemas config> ]

  # A list of dashboards you would like to display in the UI home page
    - [ <Dashboard Selector config> ]

  # The markdown content to be displayed on the UI home page
  [ information: <string> ]

  # If provided, Perses server will look to the different folders configured and populate the database based on what it is found
  # The data coming from the provisioning folder will totally override what exists in the database.
  [ provisioning: <Provisioning specification> ]

  # When it is true, Perses won't serve the frontend anymore.
  [ deactivate_front: <bool> | default = false ]

  # The interval at which to trigger the cleanup of ephemeral dashboards, based on their TTLs.
  [ ephemeral_dashboards_cleanup_interval: <duration> | default = '1d' ]

Security config

  # A flag that will disable any HTTP POST, PUT and DELETE endpoint in the API.
  # It will also change the UI to reflect this config, by removing any action button and will prevent the access to a form.
  [ readonly: <boolean> | default = false ]
  # It contains the config regarding the time to live of the refresh/access token.
  [ authentication: <Authentication config> ]

  # It contains any configuration that changes authorization behavior like default permissions
  [ authorization: <Authorization config> ]

  # When it is true, the authentication and authorization config are considered.
  # And you will need a valid JWT token to contact most of the endpoints exposed by the API
  [ enable_auth: <boolean> | default = false ]

  # The secret key used to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data stored in the database such as the password of the basic auth for a datasource.
  # Note that if it is not provided, it will use a default value.
  # On a production instance, you should set this key.
  # Also note the key must be at least 32 bytes long.
  [ encryption_key: <secret> ]

  # The path to the file containing the secret key.
  [ encryption_key_file: <filename> ]

Authentication config

  # It is the time to live of the access token. By default, it is 15 minutes.
  [ access_token_ttl: <duration> | default = 15min ]

  # It is the time to live of the refresh token. The refresh token is used to get a new access token when it is expired.
  # By default, it is 24 hours.
  [ refresh_token_ttl: <duration> | default = 24h ]

  # With this attribute, you can deactivate the Sign-up page which induces the deactivation of the endpoint that gives the possibility to create a user.
  [ disable_sign_up: <boolean> | default = false ]

  # Authentication providers
  [ providers: <Authentication providers> ]
Authentication providers
  # Enable the native authentication providers
  [ enable_native: <boolean> | default = false ]
  # List of the OIDC authentication providers
    - [ <OIDC provider> ]
  # List of the OIDC authentication providers
    - [ <OAuth provider> ]
OIDC provider
  # The id of the provider that will be used in the URLs (must be unique for all providers)
  slug_id: <string>

  # A verbose name for the provider. Will be used to visually identify it in the frontend.
  name: <string>

  # The Client ID of the Perses application into the provider
  client_id: <secret>

  # The Client Secret of the Perses application into the provider
  client_secret: <secret>
    # Allow to use a different Client ID for the device code flow
    [ client_id: <secret> ]
    # Allow to use a different Client Secret for the device code flow
    [ client_secret: <secret> ]

  # The callback URL for authorization code (Have to be <your URL> + /api/auth/providers/oidc/{slug}/callback)
  # If not set it will get it from the request.
  [ redirect_uri: <string> ]

  # The needed scopes to authenticate a user in the provider. It's not mandatory because it will depend on the provider
    - [ <string> ]

  # The provider issuer URL
  issuer: <string>

  # A custom discovery URL if different from {issuer}/.well-known/openid-configuration
  [ discovery_url: <string> ]

  # Disable PKCE verification
  [ disable_pkce: <boolean> | default = false ]
  # The additional url params that will be appended to /authorize provider's endpoint
  [ url_params:
    [ <string>: [<string>, ...] ] ]]
OAuth provider
  # The id of the provider that will be used in the URLs (must be unique for all providers)
  slug_id: <string>

  # A verbose name for the provider. Will be used to visually identify it in the frontend.
  name: <string>

  # The Client ID of the Perses application into the provider
  client_id: <secret>

  # The Client Secret of the Perses application into the provider
  client_secret: <secret>

    # Allow using a different Client ID for the device code flow
    [ client_id: <secret> ]
    # Allow using a different Client Secret for the device code flow
    [ client_secret: <secret> ]
    # Allow using different Scopes for the device code flow
      - [ <string> ]

    # Allow using a different Client ID for the client credentials flow
    [ client_id: <secret> ]
    # Allow using a different Client Secret for the client credentials flow
    [ client_secret: <secret> ]
    # Allow using different Scopes for the client credentials flow
      - [ <string> ]

  # The callback URL for authorization code (Have to be <your URL> + /api/auth/providers/oidc/{slug}/callback)
  [ redirect_uri: <string> ]

  # The needed scopes to authenticate a user in the provider
    - [ <string> ]

  # The provider Authorization URL
  auth_url: <string>

  # The provider Token URL
  token_url: <string>

  # The provider User Infos URL
  user_infos_url: <string>

  # The provider Device Auth URL
  [ device_auth_url: <string> ]

  # Name of the property to get "login" from user infos API (if not in the default list ["login", "username"] )
  # The login is mandatory to store in the database the name of the user.
  [ custom_login_property: <string>]

Authorization config

  # Time interval that check if the RBAC cache need to be refreshed with db content. Only for SQL database setup.
  [ check_latest_update_interval: <duration> | default = 30s ]

  # Default permissions for guest users (logged-in users)
    - [ <Permissions> ]
  # Actions authorized by the permission
    - <enum= "read" | "create" | "update" | "delete" | "*">
  # Resource kinds that are concerned by the permission
    - <enum= kind | "*">

Database config

  # Config in case you want to use a file DB.
  # Prefer the SQL config in case you are running multiple Perses instances.
  [ file: <Database file config> ]
  # The SQL config
  [ sql: <Database SQL config> ]

Database_file config

  # The path to the folder containing the database
  folder: <path>

  # The file extension and so the file format used when storing and reading data from/to the database
  [ extension: <string> | default = yaml ]

  # Whether the database is case-sensitive.
  # Be aware that to reflect this config, metadata.project and from the resources managed can be modified before the insertion in the database.
  [ case_sensitive: <string> | default = false ]

Database SQL config

  # TLS configuration.
  [ tls_config: <TLS config> ]

  # Username used for the connection
  [ user: <secret> ]

  # The password associated to the user. Mandatory if the user is set
  [ password: <secret> ]

  # The path to a file containing a password
  [ password_file: <filename> ]

  # Network type. For example "tcp"
  [ net: <string> ]

  # The network address. If set then `net` is mandatory. Example: "localhost:3306"
  [ addr: <secret> ]

  # Database name
  [ db_name: <string> ]
  [ collation: <string> ]

  # Max packet size allowed
  [ max_allowed_packet: <int> ]

  # Server public key name
  [ server_pub_key: <string> ]

  # Dial timeout
  [ timeout: <duration> ]

  # I/O read timeout
  [ read_timeout: <duration> ]

  # I/O write timeout
  [ write_timeout: <duration> ]

  # Allow all files to be used with LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE
  [ allow_all_files: <boolean> | default = false ]

  # Allows the cleartext client side plugin
  [ allow_cleartext_passwords: <boolean> | default = false ]

  # Allows fallback to unencrypted connection if server does not support TLS
  [ allow_fallback_to_plaintext: <boolean> | default = false ]

  # Allows the native password authentication method
  [ allow_native_passwords: <boolean> | default = false ]

  # Allows the old insecure password method
  [ allow_old_passwords: <boolean> | default = false ]

  # Check connections for liveness before using them
  [ check_conn_liveness: <boolean> | default = false ]

  # Return number of matching rows instead of rows changed
  [ client_found_rows: <boolean> | default = false ]

  # Prepend table alias to column names
  [ columns_with_alias: <boolean> | default = false ]

  # Interpolate placeholders into query string
  [ interpolate_params: <boolean> | default = false ]

  # Allow multiple statements in one query
  [ multi_statements: <boolean> | default = false ]

  # Parse time values to time.Time
  [ parse_time: <boolean> | default = false ]

  # Reject read-only connections
  [ reject_read_only: <boolean> | default = false ]

  # Whether the database is case-sensitive.
  # Be aware that to reflect this config, metadata.project and from the resources managed can be modified before the insertion in the database.
  [ case_sensitive: <string> | default = false ]

Schemas config

    # Path to the Cue schemas of the panels
  [ panels_path: <path> | default = "schemas/panels" ]

  # Path to the Cue schemas of the queries
  [ queries_path: <path> | default = "schemas/queries" ]

  # Path to the Cue schemas of the datasources
  [ datasources_path: <path> | default = "schemas/datasources" ]

  # Path to the Cue schemas of the variables
  [ variables_path: <path> | default = "schemas/variables" ]

  # The refresh interval of the cue schemas regardless their paths
  [ interval: <duration> | default = 1h ]

TLS config

A TLS config allows configuring TLS connections.

# CA certificate to validate API server certificate with. At most one of ca and ca_file is allowed.
[ ca: <string> ]
[ ca_file: <filename> ]

# Certificate and key for client cert authentication to the server.
# At most one of cert and cert_file is allowed.
# At most one of key and key_file is allowed.
[ cert: <string> ]
[ cert_file: <filename> ]
[ key: <secret> ]
[ key_file: <filename> ]

# ServerName extension to indicate the name of the server.
[ server_name: <string> ]

# Disable validation of the server certificate.
[ insecure_skip_verify: <boolean> ]

# Minimum acceptable TLS version. Accepted values: TLS10 (TLS 1.0), TLS11 (TLS
# 1.1), TLS12 (TLS 1.2), TLS13 (TLS 1.3).
# If unset, Prometheus will use Go default minimum version, which is TLS 1.2.
# See MinVersion in
[ min_version: <string> ]
# Maximum acceptable TLS version. Accepted values: TLS10 (TLS 1.0), TLS11 (TLS
# 1.1), TLS12 (TLS 1.2), TLS13 (TLS 1.3).
# If unset, Prometheus will use Go default maximum version, which is TLS 1.3.
# See MaxVersion in
[ max_version: <string> ]

Dashboard Selector config

  # The project name (dashboard.metadata.project)
  project: <string>

  # The dashboard name (
  dashboard: <string>

Provisioning specification

  [ interval: <duration> | default = 1h ]

  # List of folder that Perses will read periodically. 
  # Every known data found in the different folders will be injected in the database regardless what exist.
    - <string>