
Perses has various authentication flows configurable. You can choose to authenticate from a native provider that will allow you to create some users, or else rely on an external identity provider.

In both cases

  • each new user will be saved in the Perses database.
  • at login time, a Perses session (access_token/refresh_token) will be created

Please note that the number of identity providers is not limited.

    # Enable or not the native Perses identity provider
    enable_native: true/false
    # Register one or several OIDC provider(s)
    oidc: []
    # Register one or several OAuth provider(s)
    oauth: []

Native provider

In case a native provider is used, the users and their password are stored in the Perses database.

Login is done through http POST on /api/auth/providers/native/login.

External OIDC/OAuth provider(s)

It is possible to configure Perses to sign in user with an external identity provider supporting OIDC/Oauth. For both of these provider’s types, the flow is quite similar:

When a user sign in with an external provider (e.g. Github) the Perses backend will then use the information collected (email, firstname, lastname, picture) to sync the user in database. Then the backend takes in charge the creation of the access_token/refresh_token that will be used to authenticate this user in the subsequent requests.

The user synchronization can possibly be used to update also its permissions, based on some roles/groups present in the external idp’s token.

At the time we write this documentation, there is nothing implemented yet. User have to login first and ask specific permissions to an admin.

=> Configuration example

      # Example with an Azure AD OIDC configuration
      - slug_id: azure
        name: "Azure AD"
        client_id: "<secret>"
        client_secret: "<secret>"
        issuer: "<tenant-id>/v2.0"
        redirect_uri: "http://localhost:3000/api/auth/providers/oidc-azure/callback"
        scopes: ["openid", "profile", "email", ""]
      - slug_id: github
        name: "Github"
        client_id: "<secret>"
        client_secret: "<secret>"
        auth_url: ""
        token_url: ""
        logout_url: ""
        redirect_uri: "http://localhost:3000/api/auth/providers/oauth-github/callback"
        user_infos_url: ""

=> Login from external OIDC provider

sequenceDiagram actor hu as John #actor ro as Robot participant br as Perses Frontend participant rp as Perses Backend (RP) participant op as OIDC Provider (OP) hu->>br: Login with OIDC provider (e.g Azure AD) activate br br->>rp: /api/auth/providers/oidc-{slug_id}/login deactivate br activate rp rp->>br: 302: redirect to OP activate br deactivate rp br->>op: {issuer}/authorize deactivate br activate op op->>br: 302: redirect to RP activate br deactivate op br->>rp: GET /api/auth/providers/oidc-{slug_id}/callback?code=... deactivate br activate rp rp->>op: {issuer}/token activate op op->>rp: id_token & access_token deactivate op rp->>op: GET /userinfos activate op op->>rp: some additional user info deactivate op Note right of rp: user info + id token are
used to sync user in database rp->>rp: Note right of rp: A new session is created
with a new signed acces_token+refresh_token rp->>rp: rp->>br: 200 + save session deactivate rp activate br br->>hu: Home Page deactivate br hu->>br: Click on Projects activate br br->>rp: /api/v1/projects activate rp deactivate br rp->>rp: Verify token and permissions rp->>br: projects deactivate rp activate br br->>hu: Projects Page deactivate br

=> Login from external OAuth 2.0 provider

sequenceDiagram actor hu as John #actor ro as Robot participant br as Perses Frontend participant rp as Perses Backend participant op as OAuth 2.0 Provider hu->>br: Login with OIDC provider (e.g Github) activate br br->>rp: /api/auth/providers/oauth-{slug_id}/login deactivate br activate rp rp->>br: 302: redirect to OAuth 2.0 provider activate br deactivate rp br->>op: {auth_url} deactivate br activate op op->>br: 302: redirect to Perses activate br deactivate op br->>rp: GET /api/auth/providers/oauth-{slug_id}/callback?code=... deactivate br activate rp rp->>op: {token_url} activate op op->>rp: access_token deactivate op rp->>op: GET {user_infos_url} activate op op->>rp: some additional user info deactivate op Note right of rp: user info is
used to sync user in database rp->>rp: Note right of rp: A new session is created
with a new signed acces_token+refresh_token rp->>rp: rp->>br: 200 + save session deactivate rp activate br br->>hu: Home Page deactivate br hu->>br: Click on Projects activate br br->>rp: /api/v1/projects activate rp deactivate br rp->>rp: Verify token and permissions rp->>br: projects deactivate rp activate br br->>hu: Projects Page deactivate br