Role Binding

A role binding grants the permissions defined in a role to a user or set of users. It holds a list of subjects (users or teams) and a reference to the role being granted. A RoleBinding grants permissions within a specific project whereas a GlobalRoleBinding grants that access global-wide.

A RoleBinding may reference any Role in the same project. Similarly, a GlobalRoleBinding can reference any GlobalRole.

Choose a scope

There are two different scopes in which you can define a RoleBinding, depending on the role scope.

  • for GlobalRole, use GlobalRoleBinding
  • for Role, use RoleBinding

Project level

In case you would like to set a role binding for a Role, you will need to create a RoleBinding.

  kind: "RoleBinding"
    name: <string>
    project: <string>
  spec: <rolebinding_spec>

Global level

In case you would like to set a role binding for a GlobalRole , you will need to create a GlobalRoleBinding.

  kind: "GlobalRoleBinding"
    name: <string>
  spec: <rolebinding_spec>

RoleBinding specification

  # Name of the Role or GlobalRole concerned by the role binding (
  role: <string>
  # Subjects that will inherit permissions from the role
    - <subject_spec>


  # The type of the subject. For example: `User`
  kind: <string>

  # The name of the subject (
  name: <string>

More info about authorization

Please look at the documentation to know more about permissions and role bindings.

API definition


Get a list of RoleBinding

GET /api/v1/projects/<project_name>/rolebindings

URL query parameters:

  • name = <string> : should be used to filter the list of RoleBindings based on the prefix name.


The following query should return an empty list or a list containing roleBindings.

GET /api/v1/projects/<project_name>/rolebindings?name=ownerRB

Get a single RoleBinding

GET /api/v1/projects/<project_name>/rolebindings/<rolebinding_name>

Create a single RoleBinding

POST /api/v1/projects/<project_name>/rolebindings

Update a single RoleBinding

PUT /api/v1/projects/<project_name>/rolebindings/<rolebinding_name>

Delete a single RoleBinding

DELETE /api/v1/projects/<project_name>/rolebindings/<rolebinding_name>


Get a list of GlobalRoleBinding

GET /api/v1/globalrolebindings

URL query parameters:

  • name = <string> : should be used to filter the list of RoleBinding based on the prefix name.


The following query should return an empty list or a list containing global rolebindings.

GET /api/v1/globalRoleBindings?name=adminRB

Get a single GlobalRoleBinding

GET /api/v1/globalrolebindings/<name>

Create a single GlobalRoleBinding

POST /api/v1/globalrolebindings

Update a single GlobalRoleBinding

PUT /api/v1/globalrolebindings/<name>

Delete a single GlobalRoleBinding

DELETE /api/v1/globalrolebindings/<name>