
For the moment, user is a way to create an account and then get a write access to a project you created.

User Specification

kind: "User"
  # User name for login
  name: <string>
  [ firstName: <string> ]
  [ lastName: <string> ]

  # Password when provided is hashed and salted before going to the database
  # Password is optional because depending on the Perses configuration, you might not be able to create a user.
  # It can happen when the Perses server relies on a ldap database for authentication.
  [ password: <string> ]

API definition

Get a list of User

GET /api/v1/users

URL query parameters:

  • name = <string> : filters the list of users based on their login name (prefix).

Get a single User

GET /api/v1/users/<name>

Create a single User

POST /api/v1/users

Update a single User

PUT /api/v1/users/<name>

Delete a single User

DELETE /api/v1/users/<name>